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The little sores of pregnancy

I have a toothache

What's going on ? Hormonal changes weaken teeth and especially gums. Thus, gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) is more frequent with, as a result, pain and bleeding.

What to do ? From the 4th to the 6th month, we go to the dentist for scaling, treatment of abscesses and cavities… For heavier “work”, we wait until the end of the pregnancy. Don't forget to use a good toothpaste (Néo'Mum, 6.45) and a special, softer toothbrush, like Inava maternity (4.50).

I'm miro

What's going on ? Myopia tends to increase. However, the risk of retinal detachment at the time of vaginal delivery increases with high myopia (from 6).

What to do ? We go to see our ophthalmologist, especially if we have “stars” in front of our eyes, an early sign of retinal detachment. In this case, he may ask for a laser session to "reattach" it.

"It" scratches me

What's going on ? The increase in estrogens and progestins during pregnancy modifies the vaginal wall, weakens local immunity and promotes mycosis, causing itching and vaginal secretions.

What to do ? Most often benign (but embarrassing), vaginal mycoses must be treated. The gynecologist will prescribe eggs and a cream. And he will advise us to avoid clothes that are too tight. On the toilet side, we use a neutral soap (without perfume) and not intimate wipes!