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Health:scientists are working on a drug capable of reproducing the effects of sport

Let's imagine that our sofa is our gym, that a donut is our dumbbell and that a drug can reproduce some of the positive effects of physical exercise:a (somewhat utopian) dream come true thanks to scientists from the Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. The latter have published their work in an online report where they reveal that they would have made a major breakthrough in the creation of this miraculous pellet.

From obese mouse…to human

The tests, carried out on obese mice, show that thanks to the famous drugs, the heart problems of overweight animals had disappeared. In addition, and this is where our anti-sport radar is activated, certain molecules in the muscles reacted so well to the product that they were able to act on lipids and therefore burn fat. Obese mice are healthy, phew! Researchers can now seek to create an equivalent for humans that could emerge within 5 to 10 years.

We keep the subscription to the room

That being said, we still advise you to continue walking, water aerobics and tutti quanti! While the promises of this drug seem promising, they are not for everyone. Its benefits are aimed in particular at people with type 2 diabetes and/or obesity. Science is evolving but sport is still and always the best medicine to stay healthy and feel good about yourself.