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It only takes 2 weeks without sport to feel the effects on health

Soon the summer holidays! The opportunity, for most people, to take two or three weeks in a row and take advantage of this free time to… do nothing (yes, it’s the holidays!). The problem? A study by researchers at the University of Liverpool has just proven that just two weeks of doing nothing is enough to reduce muscle mass and increase fat mass and cholesterol risk. Well, the least we can say is that it's fast...

The rapid effects of a sedentary lifestyle

To reach these conclusions, the researchers observed a group of 28 people aged 25 on average, in good health and with a weight considered normal. These participants walked an average of 10,000 steps per day and did no more than 2 hours of sport per week. For the experiment, participants had to wear a connected bracelet measuring physical activity, steps, sleep and lifestyle. At the beginning and end of the experiment, fat mass and fitness measurements were taken. But above all:during the 2 weeks of the test, the 28 people had to reduce their physical activity by 80%, to reach only 1,500 steps per day. However, they did not change their diet. Thus, the level of activity decreased drastically, while that of sedentary lifestyle increased. Verdict? The researchers observed a significant drop in muscle mass (0.36 kg on average), while fat mass increased by about 1%. They also noted an increase in markers of bad cholesterol and a decline in cardiorespiratory capacity.

The conclusion of the researchers? You must avoid a sedentary lifestyle at all costs and integrate physical activity into your daily life, whether by walking, being busy all the time (mums will understand) and above all not sitting too long.