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The 10 craziest sports in the world

a few days ago, I told you about the weirdest motorsports in this article. Today, I bring you the top 10 weirdest sports that unfortunately have no place on TV.

Watch out, the eyes, it's a change from football!

10) Bog Snorkelling

A Welsh sport in which participants swim in a 110 meter submerged trench. Snorkel and flippers are allowed, but you will not be able to use conventional swimming. On the program the craziest costumes and good humor. There is even a bicycle variant. Who wants to try?

9) Buzkashi

A name that could be translated as "goat catcher", Buzkashi is the national sport of Afghanistan, and is played much like polo, mounted on a horse, except that as a ball, a goat is used here. decapitated that must be brought into the circles of the opposing camp. All blows are allowed, including whipping! The match can last several days, which complicates the game even more.

8) Underwater Hockey

As in ice hockey, the goal here is to throw the puck into the opponent's goal, however, the sticks are much smaller and it takes place at the bottom of a swimming pool while snorkeling. Many championships exist at national level but also at world level.

7) Cheese Rolling

Traditional annual competition in the United Kingdom, in which 200 participants run after a cheese thrown from the top of a hill. Each race results in many injuries, but the sport always attracts more people every year. The winner is the one who, failing to catch the cheese which is hurtling down the slope at 100km/h, reaches the bottom first.

6) The Eukonkanto

Behind this strange name hides a fairly young Finnish sport:the women's lift world championship. Athletes must reach the end of a 250-meter obstacle course without knocking down their partner, under penalty of suffering a 15-second penalty. Since the world record of an Estonian couple, many participants carry their wives upside down. The winner wins their partner's weight in beer.

5) The Wall Game

A distant derivative of rugby, the Wall Game is one of the least spectacular sports in the world:two teams compete and have to push the ball back along a wall. For 30 minutes, the players must keep contact with the wall in order to move forward. The last goal scored in an official match dates back to 1909.

4) Muggle Quidditch

Inspired by the Harry Potter universe, some muggles (non-wizarding humans) decided to start their own version of the favorite wizarding sport. Each player must keep their broom between their legs and run to throw the balls through the rings. The Golden Snitch, an ultra-fast ball in the original sport, is attached to a player's back here and you will have to catch it to end the match.

3) Chess Boxing

A mixture of a chess game and a boxing match, chess boxing even has a world federation. 11 rounds for each match, the even rounds while boxing, the odd rounds without the gloves but in front of a chessboard. The winner is declared when the opponent is KO or checkmate. A physical and mental sport at the same time.

2) Kabaddi

Introduced at the Berlin Olympics in 1936, Kabaddi is a so-called "combat" sport. In each raid, a member of a team must go to the opposing team's camp in order to touch it and return to their camp without being knocked down.

1) The Ultimate Tazer Ball

Craziest sport in the ranking. A giant soccer ball that you hold with your hands, two goals, eight crazy players each equipped with a Tazer electric gun. The object of the game is to score as many goals as possible. It is only possible to taze the ball carrier in an area close to the goal. Only four teams exist to date, and when you see the images, you don't necessarily want to test...

Here is our top 10, which sport do you think is the craziest?