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Do wind turbines have harmful effects on health?

However, being in second place among renewable energies behind the hydraulic sector in France, wind turbines are still today the subject of many discords. The number of complaints from local residents' associations continues to grow, which led the National Academy of Medicine to publish a report on what is now called "the wind turbine syndrome". Indeed, even if it is not proven that onshore wind power could be the cause of pathologies or diseases, it would be the source of visual and auditory nuisances directly affecting the quality of life of local residents. Among the concerns identified, sleep disorders, fatigue, tinnitus, balance disorders, dizziness, stress, anxiety, depression or irritability are the most cited by the population living nearby. of a wind farm.

Visual and noise pollution

And it is the “visual pollution” of wind turbines that seems to affect local residents the most. Beyond the incessant flashing of traffic lights, it is above all the "disfigurement of the landscape" that is highlighted. Most people living near wind turbines agree that the structures are completely unsightly and detract from the surrounding landscape. These visual nuisances therefore pose a real problem since they could directly impact the psychological state of local residents, in particular by triggering feelings of annoyance, irritation or stress. But that's not all ! Sleep problems caused by the incessant noise of wind turbines are the most cited by complainants. Even if they mainly concern older generation wind turbines, it is in particular the amplitude modulations caused by the passage of the blades in front of the mast that are denounced as "particularly disturbing" by a majority of local residents.

What possible actions?

The report of the National Academy of Medicine specifies that new measures will have to be taken quickly in order to improve the quality of life of some of the residents (not all of whom complain of the impact of wind turbines). Among them, better noise protection, the distance of wind turbines to 1,000 meters from homes instead of 500 meters currently, more complete information of the public, a systematization of acoustic compliance checks, while encouraging technological innovations. In addition, an epidemiological study on health nuisances will be conducted very soon in order to very clearly determine the link between wind turbines and the various symptoms from which some local residents suffer. To be continued…