The champagne is THE drink festive par excellence. We open it to celebrate a birthday , to celebrate love at a wedding but also to accompany our foie gras toast on Christmas Eve , for lunch on December 25 and for the New Year. In the end, all occasions are good for opening a good chilled bottle of champagne . Even for your dog's birthday, if you wish. And if it is obvious that you should drink alcohol in moderation , you will be surprised to know all the good things that hide behind your glass of champagne.
Champagne would indeed have real benefits on your health (again when obviously consumed in moderation, like everything). In a bottle of champagne you can find many minerals . 20 to 60mg of calcium, 10mg of magnesium, 4mg of iron or 200 to 600mg of potassium . Just that. However, it is a very sweet drink. (36g of sugars). So be careful not to consume a coupette every night. Here are all the benefits this drink can bring you during the holidays.