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Health:here are the sweetest fruits to consume in moderation

We tend to tell ourselves that we can eat fruit plenty, without ever worrying about your calories . Because a fruit , is a fruit. But even if they mean you no harm , they may contain significant amounts of sugars . As with everything, they should therefore be eaten in moderation . A fortiori because during a day we do not only consume fruit. Coffee sweet, yogurt, chocolate , cookies or even honey in tea . In short, the sources of sugars throughout the day are present. So there's no need to add more while thinking of doing yourself good with a bowl whole fruit.

Not all fruits can be consumed unlimited!

Concretely, you do not risk much to consume fruits that are too sweet . The problem is that we know that most fruits provide us with a lot of fiber , then it would be silly to consume those that contain more sugars only fibers . Also, the risk with these fruits is to experience spikes in glycaemia , because they are too quickly digested . “So this can increase the risk of resistance to insulin , fatigue, food cravings (due to imbalanced blood sugar) and weight gain in the long term", explains Paula Simpson, co-founder of Zea Skin Solutions, specializing in dietary supplements, in the columns of Byrdie .

Obviously, all fruits with a high glycemic index are not to be banned of your diet. You just have to find the right balance and not rush into it when you're on a diet, while telling yourself, it's ok, it's just fruit . Here is the list of fruits to eat with moderation . And it's a safe bet that some will surprise you.