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Health:9 tips for eating less meat without fear of deficiencies

We know it:on a planetary scale, we eat far too much meat. At a time when consciences are awakening to protect the environment and animals, more and more people are adopting new diets, including flexitarianism (eating less meat and fish, in a more reasonable way), vegetarianism (no longer consuming animal flesh, neither meat nor fish) and veganism/vegan diet (no longer consume any animal-derived food, i.e. eggs, milk, or cheese). However, when you are used to proteins animal, it is sometimes complicated to find the same contribution in vegetable ones s. As a result, certain deficiencies are appearing. Here's how to live this transition well, and eat less meat.

How to eat less meat?

Not everyone wants to go vegetarian. Meat remains a pleasure for some, and that is why flexitarianism exists. The first tip for gradually reducing your meat consumption:prefer quality over quantity. To avoid protein deficiencies,reconnect with eggs. The French Society of Cardiology (SFC) claims that you can eat 3 eggs a day without risk to health. There are also various other proteins.Seitan, tofu, soy, or tempeh , there are equally nutritious meat alternatives. Cereals and legumes s, bring diversity to the plate and are very rich in vegetable proteins. You can use seafood as well as fish, which are compatible with a low-meat diet. It's up to you to test the "meat-like" . Food products that look like meat, but are not. Adopt Asian cuisine . Soy sauce, sweet and sour sauces, ginger, and all other spices add flavor to vegetable proteins. Finally, consider carrying out blood tests regularly to make sure you don't miss anything. And above all, do not deprive yourself . Treat yourself to a real good piece of meat if you feel like it.

Foods rich in protein

There are animal proteins in dairy products, eggs and cheese t vegetable proteins in soybeans, legumes, cereals, dried fruits and seaweed. 100 g of beef provide as much protein as 300 g of cooked lentils, 100 g of almonds, 150 g of tofu or 3 eggs (source Yuka). Not infeasible, then! The real challenge is that animal proteins provide all the essential amino acids, while vegetable proteins only provide some (tofu is the most complete of all), hence the need to combine cereals and legumes to cover the needs of the body. need tocombine cereals and legumes to cover the needs of the body. So, concretely, what is a balanced plate?Whole grains + vegetables + a legume and/or a source of vegetable protein.