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Detox cure:5 tips for carrying it out without danger

Decrease the amount of salt

If you do a detox cure to detoxify your body after the holidays or after abusing hearty meals, it is best to eliminate salt. Very often, festive dishes are full of salt, from salmon to smoked meats, not to mention petit fours, foie gras, roasts, etc. Excess salt promotes water retention and therefore produces the swelling effect, in addition to slowing down the elimination of toxins.

Choosing the right time to do a detox cure

A detox cure is a great way to rid the body of all the toxins that cause various health problems. However, this cure should not start on a whim and should be limited in time. It is important to choose the period during which it will be carried out.

Although it is beneficial, the detox cure is contraindicated in certain cases, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but also when the person is following a specific treatment. It is also recommended to have a medical opinion before getting started.

Carrying out the detoxification of the intestines at the arrival of spring, for example, will allow you to eliminate the excess fat accumulated during the end of the year celebrations. You should also know that this cure can cause some inconvenience related to the evacuation of toxins (feeling of fatigue, acne breakouts, etc.). So avoid following her during the great moments of life such as during the preparations for your wedding.

Favor the natural for a detox cure

Like a detox cure is to purify the body, it is strongly advised to use only natural products. Indeed, nothing better than a natural cure to eliminate the effects of industrial processed foods. These contain additives, saturated fats, modified sugar and other substances harmful to the body. These elements present in many industrial dishes disturb digestion and can cause health problems. So start by sorting through your kitchen to remove everything that is processed and keep only healthy foods.

Limit animal products during the cure

So that your detox cure is effective, it is necessary to adjust your diet. Therefore, it is necessary to ease off on products of animal origin such as dairy products, eggs, fatty meats and animal fats, during the few days and weeks of treatment. These products are concentrated in saturated fats which slow down digestion. The ideal would be to eat only fruits and vegetables during meals during the first three days, then to integrate a small quantity of animal product for one meal per day.

Drink lots of water

A detox cure must be supported with good hydration throughout the day. Water is essential to drain the body so that it eliminates toxins and accumulated excess fat. In addition, water is essential for the proper functioning of the emunctory organs, namely, the kidneys. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day during the cure. You can include lemon or mint flavored water to optimize the detox effect and promote weight loss.

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