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Health:9 tips for going to bed earlier!

Who has never said to themselves during a working day, “tonight, I go to bed early” ? Because we know that well and it's a safe bet that you do too. It is a phenomenon very common among people who have busy days, between work, children, dinner to prepare, sports or just friends and who feel like they need a moment of calm , alone. This moment therefore most often occurs before going to bed. We scroll through our social networks, we watch our favorite series or we devour a good book. In short, we do everything, except sleep .

Go to bed early for better health

We understand it very well, delaying bedtime is completely normal. But not without consequences for your health . Indeed, you increase the risk of obesity, you increase memory and attention disorders or the risk of diabetes. On the contrary, if you enjoy the dawn for your moments just for you, the beneficial effects will be felt. This is called "morningophilia “, a very fashionable practice, for good reason. Here are some tips for going to bed early .