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Going to bed angry is very bad for sleep

This is the advice of married couples for decades:never go to bed angry with your other half. And we can easily guess why:it is better to reconcile before falling into the arms of Morpheus, our love life will thank us. Well, it seems that it's not only a question of love, nor of a couple, but of health:according to an American study, going to bed angry could totally ruin our sleep. And when we know that sleeping poorly can make us irritable, cause mental problems, cause us to gain weight and impact our productivity at work, we think it might be worth resolving conflicts before going to the bed!

Don't keep anger to yourself

The Iowa State University researchers observed 436 volunteers, whose sleep was studied after they completed a questionnaire on their level of anger. Conclusion:people who went to bed nervous generally had poor quality sleep. The reason ? It is twofold:physically, anger causes an acceleration of the heart rate, which makes it difficult to fall asleep; on the other hand, when you are angry, it is difficult to think about anything else and to let go. And that's terrible, because since lack of sleep makes us irritable, going to bed angry... makes us even more angry! However, this is not inevitable:the researchers also demonstrated in a second test that it was people who kept their anger inside who slept the least well.

Verdict? Whatever the reasons, you must avoid going to bed angry at all costs. And this, even if it means going to bed 30 minutes later because we need to talk and empty our bag (anyway, we will waste well over 30 minutes tossing around in our bed!) .