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To sleep better, turn off your phone an hour before going to bed

The finding is alarming:in a report revealed on Tuesday March 19, 2019, the INSV (National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance) reveals that a quarter of French people doze during the day due to lack of sleep*. The average duration of a night on weekdays has also fallen below 7 hours (it is longer on weekends). Paradoxically, 67% of people surveyed said they were satisfied with their quality of sleep. The study highlights the relationship between the time spent behind the screen of your smartphone and the quality of sleep, more precisely the time spent there just before going to bed. The experts interviewed also recommend the implementation of a "digital curfew", i.e. turning off the screens one hour before going to bed.

Outdoors and physical activity

According to this survey, 90% of French people say they go on the Internet every evening, whether on social networks, news sites or simply to check their e-mails. The reflex turns out to be anxiety-provoking and keeps you awake (notably because of the blue light from the smartphone, which tricks the brain into thinking it's daytime and increases alertness when you should let yourself go to sleep). Result:it takes longer to fall asleep, and you feel less rested when you wake up. In addition, specialists recommend daily exposure to daylight for at least one hour a day and regular physical activity (30 minutes a day). People who spend time outdoors also say they are more satisfied with their sleep than others (69% compared to 48% of people who have never been outdoors), while among athletes, there is a less strong trend drowsiness (22% versus 31% for those who do not exercise).

With that, we wish you a good time change tonight!

* as part of an investigation conducted jointly by INSV and MGEN.