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6 stretching exercises that will help you sleep better

Could you use some help falling asleep at night? Then try these 6 stretching exercises to start a relaxed night's sleep.

Could you use some help to sleep better at night? Unfortunately, going to sleep is not always as easy as getting into bed and turning off the light. To help your body enter sleep mode, the best thing you can do is relax before turning off the lights. You can of course also do this by reading or taking a relaxing bath, but doing stretching exercises is certainly a good option. As a result, you not only prepare your body for your night's sleep, you also ensure that your muscles remain relaxed and flexible. These 6 exercises will ensure that you get into bed relaxed in the evening.

6 stretching exercises that will help you sleep better

1. Hip flexor opener

Stand two to three steps away from your bed, facing your bed. Place your right foot on the edge of the bed with your right knee bent and shift your weight slightly forward while keeping your left foot on the floor. Make sure your toes on both feet are pointing forward. Reach your right arm (or both arms if you want more of a challenge) toward the ceiling and hold for 10 seconds. Breathe deeply in and out. Switch sides and repeat the exercise.

2. Hamstring stretch

Stand two to three steps away from your bed, facing your bed. Place your right foot on the bed, keep your leg straight and flex your right foot (pull your toes toward you). Place your hands on your hips and slowly bend forward until you feel a stretch in your right hamstring. Then, without moving your body, rotate your right foot from side to side eight times. Switch sides and repeat the exercise.

3. Standing Spine Twist

Stand two to three steps away from your bed, facing the bed. Extend your arms above your head and get all the way up. Move from your hips and lower your upper body towards the bed. Put your hands on the bed. Stretch out your spine as you do this (much like the dog bowing down during yoga). Remove your right hand from the bed, rotate the upper part of your back to the right and extend your right arm upward. Hold this pose for several breaths. Release, switch sides and repeat the exercise.

4. Hip flexor stretch

Lie on your back on the bed with a pillow under your right hip and your leg extended on the bed. Extend your right arm above your head and stretch the right side of your body. Straighten and flex your ankles eight times, switch sides and repeat the exercise.

5. Spine twist

Lie on your back on the bed and pull your knees toward your chest. Straighten your right leg and put it on the bed. Place your right hand over your left and slowly move your left knee to the right side of your body. Turn your head to the left until you feel a light stretch in your neck. Release this pose, switch sides and repeat the exercise.

6. Back exercise

Lie on your back on the bed with a pillow under your hips. Bend your knees and keep them above your hips. Bring them to your chest and wrap your arms around the backs of your legs. Hold this pose for at least 10 seconds and continue to breathe deeply in and out.

Sleep well! , Getty Images image