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Phytotherapy:these plants that help you sleep

Phytotherapy:valerian helps to find sleep

Already in ancient Greece, doctors used the virtues of valerian to help patients find sleep. Thanks to its composition, this plant is indeed known to reduce heart palpitations and arrhythmia. For hundreds of years, it has been used as a sleeping pill. Ideal for allowing you to sleep easily, it reduces the heart rate and reduces nervous restlessness. You are less stressed and anxious. It is then much easier to relax and let yourself fall into the arms of Morpheus! Here is an ultra-easy herbal medicine recipe to make:infuse a teaspoon of valerian in boiling water. Leave to cool a little and drink your herbal tea an hour before going to bed. It is also possible to put some roots of this plant in your bath for maximum relaxation!

Phytotherapy:passionflower helps sleep

The passion flower or passionflower is best known for its beauty and delicacy. Opening like the sun, its flowers are magnificent. But what is less known is that this plant from warm regions is also effective in fighting insomnia. Native Americans were already using its soothing benefits. Like valerian, it helps reduce anxiety and anxiety. It is then much easier to fall asleep. You can prepare an infusion with a teaspoon of passionflower in boiling water. Leave to infuse for three minutes, then taste. In herbal medicine, it is also possible to mix plants:you can add valerian and lime blossom to your infusion. Drink a cup of this mixture a few hours before bedtime.

Phytotherapy:Bach flowers against insomnia

Bach flowers have an important place in herbal medicine. They have many benefits for the body and mind. If you can't relax, use impatiens. This flower allows you to be more relaxed and calm down in the evening. Dilute 2 drops of impatiens in a little water or put them directly under the tongue. You can indulge in this routine 4 times a day for a week. If, on the other hand, you are unable to rest your mind, the Bach flower called White Chestnut will help you sleep! It is ideal for those who have thoughts that run on a loop, and who cannot chase them away. It is also enough to dilute 2 drops of White Chestnut in a little water. However, if you suffer from insomnia almost every night, it is important to consult a doctor. This can have direct consequences on your stress and your health!