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We tested Morphée, the tool that promises to help us sleep

The promise.

Morphée is a small round case that aims to give us back "the keys to sleep" (it's written on the packaging). Concretely, it is a meditation and sophrology tool without screen and without waves, which offers more than 200 sound possibilities, from guided meditation sessions to animal sounds, including white noises (recorded in the worldwide!) or even stretching and cardiac coherence sessions. Awarded at the CES in Las Vegas, Morphée aims to make us cut off from the day, relax the body and soothe the mind. Tempting, right?!

Crash test.

Good news:Morpheus is super easy to use. Just turn on the device, turn the 3 keys to what you want:a theme to choose from among the 8 proposed (Intro, Body, Breathing, Movement, Travel, Rhythm, Siesta and Nature), a number of 1 to 8, the duration of the session (from 8 or 20 minutes), then to press the Play button (there is also a button to choose whether you want a female or male voice and one which allows you to adjust the power sound). Next ? There's more to let go! If we have chosen a meditation/sophrology theme, a voice guides us and tells us what to do, step by step; if we have opted for a sound, then there, we focus on this sound and we let ourselves go (it can be more difficult if we are not used to it). It's very nice ! As the device turns off on its own at the end of the session, you can really let yourself go, telling yourself that if you fall asleep, it doesn't matter (and above all, there is no screen, so you are not "woken up" by light at the end of the session). On the other hand, falling asleep is not guaranteed if you have real problems at this level. During our test, it happened that we fell asleep, but not every time. It should be noted, however, that we tried the device without being really familiar with sophrology or meditation (falling asleep is certainly easier when you are used to it).


Morphée is a great tool for relaxing and putting yourself in the right conditions for sleeping. If one is sensitive to meditation, it definitely helps to fall asleep faster. However, it is not a miracle solution if you have insomnia and/or need medication to sleep. On the other hand, by focusing on the sounds or the voice, we really relax and the promise of cutting us off from the day is kept (which is huge when we are stressed). Given its price and the possibilities it offers, Morphée is a great gift to give yourself... or to give to someone you love!

Meditation &Sophrology Box, Morphée, €79 (on sale online and at Nature &Découvertes, Boulanger, La Fnac and Darty)