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Help! I always want to sleep

1 – We opt for aromatherapy!

Hard hard, waking up in the morning? Take a bottle of black spruce essential oil, put 3 or 4 drops in the palm of your hand and rub vigorously for 1 minute on the adrenal glands (these two small hollows in the lower back). To be done for 3 weeks.

2 – We replace the coffee with a good vegetable juice!

Yes, against all odds, coffee tires you more than anything else! We will therefore opt for a homemade juice cocktail. Dare to use unusual mixtures such as the carrot/celery duo for its antioxidant effect and regulator of the nervous system. For the most recalcitrant, add 1/2 apple or 1/2 pear for the sweet side!

3 – We test the floral waters!

Add 3 tbsp. at s. to our 1.5L water bottle. We prefer organic, blackcurrant, for example. They have an energizing, draining effect and protect against external infections by helping to strengthen the immune system. They can be found in pharmacies or on

4 – Let's start foot reflexology!

Taking care of our little toes is essential and it gives the potato back! We therefore massage the feet for about 10 minutes, with cream or oil:first under the heels then pressing well to the toes. While relaxing, you promote recovery, it's like after a good nap!

5 – We prepare an environment conducive to rest.

TV, telephone, WiFi is good, but all these devices generate what is called in jargon “electromagnetic pollution”:the waves they emit (=positive ions) stimulate the cells of our body. Clearly, because of these waves, we cannot rest 100%! So, if we haven't banished them from the bedroom (it would be better), before sleeping, we turn off the box, TV and laptop.

Thanks to Anne-Charlotte Fraisse, author of “La Tonique Attitude des Paresseuses”.

Marion Gordien