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Sleep:18 unsuspected foods that prevent you from sleeping well

If it is recommended to sleep 7 to 9 hours a night , few are those who succeed. While some are used to going to bed late watching Netflix series, others simply do not fall asleep quickly. Although tired, it happens that Morpheus does not open his arms to us when we need them. There are various factors explaining the lack of sleep , but one is often overlooked. It's about food. What we eat before going to bed affects our ability to fall asleep. So, here are the 9 foods to avoid before going to sleep.

Food and lack of sleep:the impact of what we eat

When we sleep, our organs also rest (except some necessary for us to stay alive). However, depending on what we eat before going to bed, we may disturb their sleep. The reason is that some foods require a longer digestion time that others. As a result, consuming them before sleeping keeps our digestive system in activity. Put simply, as the organs continue to work, our bodies struggle to sleep.

Foods and lack of sleep:those to avoid in the evening

This is the time when you are not going to carry us too much in your heart. We reassure you, we understand, because we too are quite upset to find certain foods in this list. Although not surprisingly, these are the high-fat foods and saturated fats that give our digestive system a hard time. So, when you make a good pizza in front of the TV, or a plate of fries , we are sure to fall asleep less quickly. There are also foods containing energizing such as chocolate the pistachio , and Chinese food . We reassure you, some fruits and vegetables are also to be avoided. For example, the tomato , which promotes the creation of norepinephrine, a chemical substance that increases brain activity, as does deli meats . The broccoli are also to be avoided. And yes, although supposed to facilitate falling asleep, their fiber content prevents sleep. Finally, the red meat takes longer to be digested by the body due to its high protein content.