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I want to try light therapy


A model that focuses on design as much as on functionality is rather rare... no need, suddenly, to hide it in a cupboard after using it. it works with low consumption bulbs, so they are changed less often than on the other models (every 15,000 hours, compared to ± 10,000 for the others). it is used 30 min at 25 cm from the face.

Rondo Innosol, 249 euros Nature and discoveries


If you're not one to take your time at breakfast, this is the one you choose! we slip it into our bag and do our 30-minute session, checking our emails at work. with its mini-format, 17 cm high and 10 cm wide, it goes (almost) unnoticed on a desk. it is also very practical for business women always on the go, who want to quickly erase the effects of jet lag:it is sold with several adapters so that it can be plugged in anywhere in the world! most:it can also work with a battery. Litepod, 199 euros.


It is super powerful:10,000 lux at a distance of 35 cm. So, you don't need to stick it to your face to do your session! inevitably, the light is a little dazzling at first, but you get used to it quickly. it is quite imposing (50 cm high and 32 cm wide), so there is room to put it down. Lumie brasil, 249 euros, Nature and discoveries.


Ok, we don't look sexy with that on our nose... but, at least, we can continue to go about our business while doing our session. and we do not have to worry about the distance of use, as for the lamps. we adjust the glasses, we turn the cap on the branch, and off we go for a 20-minute session. ideal for those who can not stay in place for a while! Luminette luciMed, 259 , Nature and discoveries.

Low cost

Mini price but maximum efficiency, it is perfect if you want to test light therapy without emptying your wallet! in addition, it is small and light:you can easily move it from the bedside table to the breakfast table if you want to start your session as soon as you wake up. on the other hand, it is used a little closer to the face than the other lamps, about fifteen centimeters for an intensity of 10,000 lux, during a 30-minute session. vitality davita, 89.95 euros

Thanks to Gérard Pons, President of the European Light Therapy Information Centre.