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Phytotherapy:these plants that help you lose weight

Phytotherapy, anti-cellulite plants?

It's not just drastic diets to lose weight. Nutritionists recommend eating healthy and not depriving yourself too much, otherwise you will gain even more pounds afterwards. It is therefore better to turn to natural products. Indeed, you can find in your garden plants and vegetables with many health benefits. If you want to get rid of the famous orange peel and lose weight, turn to certain fruits. In herbal medicine, pineapple and papaya are particularly recommended to eliminate orange peel! Because the stem of the pineapple is composed of bromelain. This molecule acts directly on proteins. In addition to burning fat, this fruit is also not very caloric. It is an excellent appetite suppressant rich in vitamins! The papain present in papaya also acts directly on orange peel skin.

Phytotherapy, anti-stress plants?

Stress is often the cause of weight gain. To hope to lose a few pounds, you have to treat the problem at its root and turn to soothing plants. You will easily find soothing plants in the herbal medicine section of your pharmacy:valerian, lemon balm, hawthorn or even St. John's wort. You can consume them in infusion for greater efficiency. But there are also capsules and essential oils. Thus, relaxed and serene, you will be less tempted to snack and you will be able to lose weight more quickly!

Phytotherapy, plants that burn fat?

It's not easy to lose weight without a helping hand! Phytotherapy is therefore ideal for transforming a diet into a wellness session! Green tea is indeed particularly known to burn fat faster. Good for health, it stimulates the melting of lipids. You can drink two cups a day. Guarana is also a plant that brings tone and vitality. It contains caffeine to boost the body. Because going on a diet can lead to a drop in diet! With these natural products, you will keep in shape while burning fat. Another recipe idea for losing weight:make an infusion of bitter orange peel. This speeds up fat burning!

Phytotherapy, appetite suppressant plants?

To lose weight, it is important to reduce your food portions. The more you reduce your calorie intake, the more you will manage to lose pounds. However, some plants have a role in moderating appetite. Thus, in herbal medicine, apple pectin is recommended to give the illusion of being full. You can find on the market sachets of 5 grams to dilute. But beware:consume these appetite suppressants in moderation for only a few weeks!