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Waiting 2 hours after dinner before going to bed is not mandatory

This is news that will delight those who like to go to bed late. Indeed, among the advice that is often given for sleeping well, there is that of leaving enough time between the last meal and the time at which you go to bed:generally, 2 hours were recommended between dinner and bedtime. . In question ? The level of glucose in the blood, which, if it is too high when we go to sleep, would have an impact on well-being (which could even go so far as to favor certain diseases according to some). However, a Japanese study has just challenged this belief, showing that the glucose level is not that much impacted...

No impact on blood sugar

Researchers from Okayama University (Japan) conducted the survey among 1,573 adults aged 40 and over (2/3 of them women) who did not have diabetes. They observed the evolution of the HbA1c marker, also called glycated hemoglobin, which makes it possible to assess glycemic balance over a long period. Verdict? Going to bed after eating or waiting 2 hours had very little impact, according to the researchers, who observed almost no difference between people who waited 2 hours and those who went to bed. before. They believe that other factors such as physical activity, weight, smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages or blood pressure have a greater impact on HbA1c. Basically, having a balanced lifestyle is more important than leaving 2 hours between dinner and bedtime.

No need to feel guilty if you have dinner late and you want to go to bed right after:it won't make you sleep badly!