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Eating fried foods regularly would increase the risk of premature death

Ah, junk-food… Not easy to resist, and yet, there is no doubt that a fatty diet harms our physical health, but also our mental health, since it would impact our memory capacities for the worse. . Fried chicken, a great specialty of KFC among others, is one of those foods to eat in moderation, and abusing it can have far more serious consequences than you might imagine. A study conducted by the American universities of Iowa and Washington suggests that eating fried chicken every day, even in small quantities, would increase the risk of premature death. The dish, like all others that are cooked in oil, can cause diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. The research focused on 100,000 post-menopausal women, aged 50 to 79, who answered a questionnaire from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) between 1993 and 1998. They were followed by the scientists until in February 2017, and the deaths of 31,588 of them have occurred in the meantime.

Risks that increase by 7 to 13%

9,000 deaths are linked to heart problems, more than 8,000 are due to cancer and more than 13,000 to other causes. The researchers carefully watched the participants' consumption of fried foods, such as fried chicken, fried fish and French fries. After also taking into account lifestyle factors, the team concluded that eating this type of food daily significantly increased the risk of dying prematurely. Eating one serving of fried chicken a day increases the risk of death from a general health problem by 13% (7% for fried fish), and by 12% the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease (13% for fried fish). Yes, it's very serious... So we're taking it easy in terms of junk food, it will be our good resolution for 2019!