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Health:connected devices would increase the risk of having cancer

We know that electromagnetic waves are not good for our health. Now 250 scientists from 42 countries have signed a petition (published on January 1, 2019) to alert the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) to the risks of these waves. In particular, they highlight the use of wireless fixed telephones, communication antennas, smartphones, relay stations and also baby phones, all of which produce electromagnetic waves (wifi or bluetooth type). In question ? The WHO has assessed a level beyond which these waves would be dangerous. However, according to the scientists, this level would be too high and the proven dangers at a lower level than that authorized.

Improving prevention

Electromagnetic fields of very low frequency waves cause "an increased risk of cancer, physiological stress, an increase in free radicals, genetic damage, structural and functional changes in the reproductive system, impairments in learning and memory, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on the general well-being of individuals”. In addition to having negative effects on humans, they would also act on animals and plants. The scientists who signed the petition especially want the WHO to provide more and better information on the risks incurred when exposing yourself to this kind of wave for too long. They also ask that the United Nations Environmental Program create an independent body responsible for looking for alternatives to reduce our exposure to radio frequencies (which are almost everywhere). Hope the United Nations gives careful consideration to this petition…