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Health:the packaging used by fast foods would be harmful

Pizzas, fries, hamburgers… These foods have one thing in common:they are fatty. A peculiarity that can have health consequences, but not only for the reason we think. A study published in the American journal Environmental Science and Technology Letters reveals that beyond food, it is the grease-proof packaging used by fast food restaurants that can be dangerous. And for good reason:they would contain fluorinated substances, used in particular to waterproof clothes, pots or even non-stick pans.

Developmental problems in children

After analyzing 400 samples of fast-food packaging, the researchers observed that nearly 50% of the paper containers and 20% of the cardboard ones contained fluorine, a marker of highly fluorinated chemical substances. According to the study, it is the packaging of tex-mex, bread or even desserts that contain the most. A substance known to have harmful effects on health, since it would cause developmental problems in children, a decrease in fertility, an increase in the risk of cancer or even thyroid problems, according to the American Substances Agency Toxics and Diseases (ATSDR). Never judge a book by its cover? There are sometimes exceptions…