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What not to do right after your workout

After a workout you want to stay in that nice flow for a while. There are then a number of things that you should not do right after a workout.

Check your mobile immediately

Apps from friends, work emails, new posts on Facebook or Instagram…. Your mobile is working overtime, but if you've just had a workout and you're still full in that flow, stay in it for a while and give your brain the space to slowly return to reality.

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Be positive about your performance

You give it your all, but when the workout is over, you tell yourself or others that you could have done better. But it's better to give yourself a pat on the back. After all, you did it and persevered!

Do not stretch

If you leave immediately after an intensive workout, you are missing an important part to allow your body to recover:the stretch moment. An intensive workout ensures that your muscles are fully engaged. If you don't provide a moment of recovery, you can run the risk of injury and exhaust your body. A stretch of at least thirty seconds will go a long way, repeating each stretch two to three times. That might be tricky if you're in a hurry, but a little stretch is better than nothing.

Shopping in your sports outfit

Of course it looks pretty cool if you go for a quick errand in your sweaty sports outfit. Can everyone see that you have worked hard. But actually, it's much better to take off those sweaty clothes as soon as possible, because it can negatively affect your immune system. According to experts, the body takes extra effort to regulate the temperature of the body when everything is wet and sticky. So change as soon as possible!

Heavy meal

You've worked hard, so you actually think you've earned it:something tasty or something heavy. But hey, stop, don't do that! Your stomach likes it much better if you don't. It is better not to eat a heavy meal half an hour after an intensive workout. “If you exercise intensively, your digestion takes a step back, but it is still on standby after your workout. Not eating or eating very heavily is not a good plan. Rather take something light so that your stomach does not get upset, such as fruit. Eat another big meal about two or three hours after your workout.

Drink an alcoholic drink

On the alcohol immediately after your workout? A very bad idea. Your heart is still racing, your blood is still pumping like crazy… So if you drink alcohol at that moment, it hits you very hard and you suffer from it earlier than usual. Rather do it an evening without it or at least let it sit for a few hours.