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Drinking alcohol before bed has negative effects on your sleep!

We will never stop saying it:a good night's sleep is essential! And it would seem that to have quality sleep, you must avoid drinking alcohol at all costs before joining the arms of Morpheus.

Alcohol before sleep =poor quality sleep

And if a delicious Mojito or a glass of wine helps us fall asleep, it is during the night that alcohol takes effect and ruins our supposedly restorative sleep to be at the top every day. Julia Chan and Christian L. Nicholas, the two researchers behind this discovery published in the journal Alcoholism:Clinical and Experimental Research, tested young people, boys and girls, aged 18 to 21. When they slept, the electroencephalogram revealed reactions in the frontal lobe, similar to those that can be emitted when one suffers from chronic pain. At issue:the alcohol they had consumed before going to bed. The scientists obviously compared these results to those found on other nights, when the participants had not drunk, and the results showed no abnormal signs in these cases. And if this disturbed sleep is due to alcohol, you should know that orange juice also has the same effect.

Drink or sleep well, you have to choose!