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Sleeping with your pet would disrupt sleep

What could be cuter when our fur ball climbs on the bed, comes to curl up against us, keep us warm, and rock us with its soothing purr? We love it so much that we leave our bedroom door open. But that's for phase 1. Phase 2 is when we drift off to sleep and our cat wakes up, stretches, jumps out of bed to go to the litter box, jumps back on the bed to go back to bed, we stepping on it to see how it will be able to settle...

A new study from a sleep clinic in Arizona investigated how spending the night with a pet affects our sleep. The researchers interviewed 150 patients. 64 of them have one or more pets. And more than half of them say they open their bedroom door at night. Results ? 31 people declare feeling this nocturnal presence as beneficial, it brings them security and relaxation. But 15 still find that they are a disruptive element… Cats are particularly restless at night.

Interviewed on the sidelines of this study, veterinarian Jean-Yves Gauchet puts it into perspective:"The master is still a winner even if he is woken up in the middle of the night by his cat “, he analyzes, because “the cat will still have helped his master to fall asleep in complete serenity ".

> Read also:Dogs, cats… how they boost our health