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Sleeping on your back would be the preferred position for a quality night

The quality of sleep depends on several factors:the number of hours spent in the arms of Morpheus, the activities that preceded the extinction of the lights (we keep the screens well away, especially) or the position in which we sleep. This last point is often overlooked, we say to ourselves that it is above all a question of preference, the most important being to fall asleep in a posture that is comfortable for us. However, according to Shelby Harris, a sleep specialist and professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College in New York, there is indeed a position that optimizes the chances of a good night's sleep and it is only adopted by 8% of people. between us:it's about sleeping on your back. Unlike other postures that can cause blood circulation problems, neck pain or even nightmares, this one in particular allows the head, neck and spine to remain in a neutral position.

Tricks to become a “back sleeper”

Moreover, it could also cure heartburn by keeping the head elevated above the chest. For lovers of poses on the belly or on the side, Shelby Harris gives some advice to gradually change your habits:when you're ready to go to bed, you have to place pillows on either side of the body and another under knees. This device will indeed help you stay on your back all night. A more drastic method is to sew a tennis ball on the favorite side since if the good old reflex of turning over during the night occurs, the discomfort caused by the ball will almost immediately encourage you to get back on your back. However, the expert points out that sleeping on your back is not recommended for people with sleep apnea because it tends to exacerbate the effects of the syndrome. It is well noted ! To try as soon as possible, therefore!