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Did you know ? :smelling your lover's shirt would improve the quality of your sleep

"Honey don't get your shirt dirty, I need to breathe it!Uh, ok, why do ? "To sleep better. “Because yes, smelling a garment worn by your partner would improve the quality of sleep. This is indeed indicated by the conclusion of a serious and recent Canadian study conducted among 155 people.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia have indeed just published an official bulletin in which is given this conclusion:the participants in the study who were exposed to the smell of their partner during the night experienced a better quality of sleep, even in the absence of the latter.

So how did these researchers do it?

To capture the body odor of partners, spouses were asked to wear their clothes for 24 hours in a row , while refraining from wearing deodorant or perfume, smoking or eating certain foods so as not to distort the results and cover their natural smell. The t-shirts worn in this way were then frozen so that the smell remained.

Then ! Each participant was then given two t-shirts, to put in a pillowcase for two nights in a row without knowing which one came from their better half. When they woke up, they had to indicate each by questionnaire their level of well-being and feelings.

“An average improvement in sleep efficiency of more than 2%

Results! Participants reported feeling more rested after nights when they thought they slept in their partner's t-shirt. What the data collected through the connected watches they wore confirmed:the participants' sleep quality improved when they were actually in contact with their partner's body odor.

Our results provide new evidence that simply sleeping with a partner's scent improves sleep efficiency. Our participants experienced an average improvement in sleep efficiency of more than 2% ”, commented Marlise Hofer, lead author of the study. “We have seen a similar sized effect to what has been reported when taking oral melatonin supplements – often used as sleeping pills she pointed out, further indicating that participants tended to toss and turn less in bed during sleep.

A study which has also indicated that the physical presence of a partner has beneficial effects for health in the long term, particularly in terms of relaxation, calm and serenity, all of which improve sleep. Morpheus and our darling would therefore be the same person?

Source:UBC News Release