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Lack of sleep would make you ugly

We know that sleep is restorative! We would never have thought that not sleeping could make us uglier and much less attractive in the eyes of others. In any case, this is what a study carried out in Sweden by the Karolinska Medical Institute confirms. A few nights of parties or insomnia would therefore change our physical appearance but also our way of communicating. So, I don't know about you, but this info makes us want to sleep! Tested on twenty people (one party having slept well and the other not), the results are clear. The 122 people questioned think that those who have slept less seem tired (that's logical), less healthy but also that they have a neglected appearance. Facts that end with a weak desire to socialize with them. If we understand correctly, we significantly reduce the chances of meeting Prince Charming when we are tired?

Tired people would be repulsive

It's proven, people don't want to be around tired people because they would look "sick". According to the researchers, behind this reasoning would hide a natural instinct:“People who lack sleep appear less healthy to us, and humans, like other animals, tend to try to avoid potential vectors of disease. ". In short, when you don't sleep, you scare so much that you scare others away. The worst part of it all? Whether we sleep 4 hours or not at all, the result would be the same (might as well finish our evening in the early morning…). A good night's sleep would be between 6 and 8 hours depending on the person.

Moral of the story ? Preserve your sleep carefully. It remains the best medicine for a healthy appearance and social life (as far as possible of course)…