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Eating fruit would make you smarter

We said it a few months ago:according to a Canadian study, eating fruit during pregnancy would allow the child to become smarter. Thus, the more fruits the future mother eats, the more the baby's IQ would increase. Today, it is the turn of Nature Ecology &Evolution to praise the merits of the fruit. Indeed, the journal published a study this week demonstrating the beneficial effects of fruit on adults. A research group from New York University conducted the experiment. For this, they analyzed the mode of nutrition of 140 species of primates. The study concludes that primates favoring fruit in their meal have about 25% larger brains than those who are content with leaves. Indeed…

The fruit and its virtues

Beyond the fact that fruits can be good for the skin and the body, Alex Decasien, co-author of the study, affirms:they are also beneficial for the brain. Consuming them on a daily basis provides the body with the sugars and energy it needs to function. Two very important things for the proper functioning of our meninges, since the brain absorbs 25% of the energy of the body. It remains to be seen to what extent fruits have an impact on our intelligence when consumed as adults. That said, it can't hurt! So, shall we get started?