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Eating fish would reduce aggression

This is a surprising theory to say the least! Aggressiveness could be influenced by the content of our plate… Well, at least that is the conclusion reached by a French researcher. According to him, eating more fish and nuts, rich in omega 3, would reduce aggression. Conversely, an omega 3 deficiency would lead to more sourness and bitterness!

Omega 3s have a fundamental role in connecting nerve cells in the brain

For the purposes of the study, published in the December issue of the journal Psychiatry Research, the scientist analyzed a group of men and women, aged 18 to 45. These were divided into two groups, the first supplemented their diet with omega 3, and the others with a placebo. The result is clear, after 6 weeks of testing, we noted "a decrease in the aggressiveness of people who have benefited from omega 3". Many dieticians and doctors have since validated this information on the benefits of omega 3.

Stimulating the functioning of the brain, omega 3, have a fundamental and decisive role of connection "between the nerve cells of the brain". As a reminder, it is found in nuts, oil, flax seeds, fish...

So, to win in a good mood, we rebalance all that!