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Quitting smoking would help reduce alcohol consumption

While there is evidence that smokers tend to drink more, the reverse is also true. And it is a study published in the British journal BMC Public Health which confirms it:a person in the phase of smoking cessation generally tends to consume less alcohol.

The method? Combine two studies

To arrive at this result, it was necessary to analyze the results of two studies, dedicated respectively to smoking and alcohol:the Smoking Toolkit Study (STS) and its version dedicated to alcohol, the Alcohol Toolkit Study (ATS ). The confrontation of these two studies made it possible to study the data of 6,287 smokers aged over sixteen. Other data, such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, as well as any attempts at quitting smoking, were also entered. A few other major factors such as age, gender and socio-economic background were considered. The British scientists behind this research then crossed the results of 144 participants who attempted to quit smoking with those of smokers over a period of one week.

A result without appeal

So verdict? In any case, those who quit nicotine consume less alcohol than those who smoke regularly. Respondents who try to wean themselves from tobacco acknowledge that they overindulge less and do not practice “binge drinking” (heavy consumption of alcohol in a short period of time). They also indicated that they would like to reduce their alcohol consumption. Further proof of the unbreakable link between tobacco and alcohol, which smokers readily acknowledge.

Quitting smoking:not always easy

According to experts, the third attempt to quit smoking would be the right one. Another British study also recommends weaning yourself clean, without reduction over time. This would be the most effective way for the body to detox from nicotine. A technique, however, difficult for long-time smokers, who are advised to turn to a tobacco specialist. Namely:hypnosis is also gaining more and more followers and seems to bring noticeable results.

We obviously remind you that smoking is not good for your health (we avoid the long list of consequences but you know what we are referring to!). The same goes for alcohol:always consume in moderation!