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Health:9 essential oils to help you quit smoking

It's decided, you're going to quit smoking . And it's a good decision . Only, to achieve this, you will need a lot of good will and little nudges that will be welcome . Weaning smoking is not an easy process . You have your little habits that you will have to abandon. The cigarette with coffee, cigarettes after meals or the social cigarette which very often accompanies the glass of wine weekend. In short, cigarettes give rhythm to your days today. , so getting rid of it is no easy feat. And if you instantly think of nicotine patches or gum, you forget that there are more natural solutions. to pass the urge to smoke.

The boost of essential oils to quit smoking

Indeed, to quit smoking it is very interesting to turn to aromatherapy . Many essential oils will help you calm your (irrepressible) craving for nicotine. Depending on the essential oil chosen, you can use it as an application on the wrists or breathe straight from the bottle as soon as you feel like smoking . Some brands even offer essential oil synergies formulated specifically for stopping tobacco . You will find them in the form of a mouth spray, chewing gum or capsules to swallow. Here is a selection of oils.