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How to spend your first weekend when you quit smoking?

During the first days of smoking cessation not only are we crippled with physical discomfort but mentally it is even worse. We have to fight against the little internal voices that constantly encourage us to light up a cigarette. It takes a lot of energy to put them on hold. Quitting tobacco is as hard as kicking an addiction to alcohol or gambling at the casino (gambling can also become an addiction).

First weekend without smoking

Smoking for most smokers is associated with a moment of relaxation. Going the weekend without or your weekly rest days without smoking is a real challenge. But it is not impossible. To achieve this, you need to develop a strategy. By being prepared you can stay in control and not light a single cigarette.

Bet on distraction

To overcome the urge to smoke, rely on distraction. Do activities that make you happy while trying to stay away from smokers. Frequent, for example, places like the cinema or a shopping center where smoking is prohibited. Go to a good restaurant, but not on the terrace, or play sports if you like that.

If you can't go out or don't feel like going out, try to keep your hands as busy at home as possible, for example by tackling a decoration or construction project.

Indulge in activities that hinder you, that prevent you from thinking too much.

Get some rest

You may find yourself feeling lazy and foggy while quitting smoking. It's normal, these are common symptoms when you get off nicotine. If this happens, just take a short nap. You can allow yourself a little rest on this first smoke-free weekend.

Nicotine withdrawal can be very tiring, you have to know that. Sleeping more than usual will allow you to recharge the batteries and be even more attacking to meet the challenges related to anti-smoking.

A process to break

If you've been a smoker for a long time, you've cemented hundreds of thousands of bonds between everything that has to do with life and tobacco. To reprogram all these associations it takes a lot of time and a lot of patience. However, each day that you go smoke-free breaks the chains that cling to nicotine. The first few days, for good reason, you will have the impression of not really progressing, but as you pick up you will see that your efforts will pay off.

Reward yourself

If you lasted all this first week, you will see that the next one will be easier. Remember that quitting nicotine takes time and patience.

Do not hesitate to recognize your daily progress by rewarding yourself. Every day gained is a victory against smoking that should not be overlooked!