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How to quit smoking ?

Stop smoking with nicotine substitutes

Quitting smoking would be good for morale. But to quit smoking, the will alone, however strong it may be, is not enough. Indeed, your body needs its daily dose of nicotine, and smoking, remember, is often a real addiction. To fill this gap, and eliminate the need for nicotine, there are nicotine substitutes. They come in several forms:patches, chewing gum, sublingual tablets, medication, etc. To find the most suitable solution for you, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Stop smoking with alternative medicine

In your fight to quit smoking, alternative medicine can be of great help to you. There are indeed effective homeopathic remedies to satisfy your craving for tobacco, for example Tabacum 5CH and Ignatia 5CH, at the rate of 5 granules three times a day. Acupuncture can also, in some people, be an effective solution. Also consider sophrology, which can help you combat the additional stress caused by quitting smoking and keep you motivated.

Quit smoking by switching to electronic cigarettes

Last fashionable solution to help you quit smoking:opt for the electronic cigarette. In recent years, it has been a hit with many former smokers. It makes it possible to reproduce the very gesture of the smoker, without the harmful effects of cigarettes. A British study has even shown that using electronic cigarettes to quit smoking was more effective than other, more traditional methods of smoking cessation such as nicotine replacement therapy. It remains to be seen whether the electronic cigarette is really as harmless as it claims...