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8 tips to prevent colds

Human beings are very generous in the exchange of microbes. But this generosity, we prefer to do without. In fact, we will do everything to avoid it this year. No thanks, the cold.

1/ Cover up but not too much. No need to worry about making differential calculations between the outside temperature and that of your body! You just need to be warm without overheating, to avoid temperature shocks.

2/ Have a healthy lifestyle. In short:we are going to give a boost to our immune defenses by getting enough sleep, eating lots of vegetables rich in vitamins and doing -why not- a little magnesium treatment (in capsules rather than in sachets). powder, out of respect for your taste buds – the taste is disgusting).

3/ Wash your hands regularly and avoid sticking to someone with a cold (or touching their things). Hard hard when it's a loved one you want to cuddle but afterwards, you will be sick, you will make others sick, which will make others sick, and it will be the apocalypse. Or maybe not, but hey anyway…

4/ Stop smoking. This way 1/ your lungs will be less weakened and 2/ you will be ahead of everyone by taking your good resolution before the first of the year! You are so far ahead of everything… 😉

5/ Zenify yourself. Breathing, mediation, pampering operations:we do ourselves good! That way our body feels good and so do we! No but.

6/ Avoid bringing your hands to your face too much. That way you'll stop biting your nails on the way 😉

7/ If you cough, you treat yourself quickly to prevent the cold from setting in and you blow your nose to the max. ***Glamorous Moment***:"If it's dripping, it's got to come out." And the more it comes out, the faster you will recover! ". ***End of the glamorous moment***

8/ Stay at home. From time to time (at least, that will make us an excuse). Your best friend is asking you to go to a lousy dinner? Answer:"No, sorry it's -40° outside at least and I'm exhausted and I have a lot of work and I don't want to be sick". Instead:solo DVD evening with a good herbal tea. Isn't life beautiful?