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Urinary leaks:9 tips to prevent them

Pay attention to your posture

Urinary leakage is one of the consequences of the lack of tone and elasticity of the perineum. In order to prevent them, it is essential to adopt the right postures on a daily basis. Indeed, too much stress impacts its tone. Wearing heels is one of the habits to change because the center of gravity is moved forward, tilting the pelvis. The pressure on the perineum increases and can lead to its weakening over time. It is therefore advisable not to wear high heels daily but only for special occasions.

Take care of your bladder

Repeated urinary tract infections as well as holding back before going to the toilet promote the onset of urinary incontinence. It is therefore recommended to adopt good habits from childhood:go to the toilet as soon as you feel like it, urinate completely, do not force when you urinate and do not stop the stream of urine during urination. . In fact, the bladder gets used to no longer emptying itself completely, which promotes urinary tract infections.

Avoid certain physical activities

Sit-ups that aren't done properly, crunches, volleyball, jogging, weightlifting, or even tennis are risky sports. Indeed, they create jolts and overpressure in the pelvis. It is better to avoid trampolining to have fun with children. Instead, favor sports such as walking, swimming, yoga or cycling.

Toning the perineum with breathing exercises

You shouldn't wait until you have urinary incontinence problems before thinking about toning the perineum. To do this, empty your abdomen by exhaling deeply, then simulate a powerful inspiration through your nose without taking in air, then hold the breath hold for 20 seconds. Release and repeat several times a day.

Other tips

Here are some tips for you:

  • Also adopt a healthy and balanced diet to avoid overweight and repeated constipation.
  • Avoid stimulating drinks, tobacco and alcohol.
  • Avoid stress which has a real impact on the health of the perineum.
  • Learn to relax, let go and live without putting pressure on yourself.