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5 tips to prevent food allergies in children

I am vigilant if… I have allergies myself, or a family member does. But food allergies can also affect babies without a genetic predisposition. They generally appear before the age of 4, when the digestive and immune systems are not mature. Symptoms:colic, vomiting, diarrhea.

Foods that can cause problems. Cow's milk is the first food in question, from the first hours of baby's life until its 3 months (after, if it has not had an allergic reaction, we are safe). There are also, among other things, eggs, wheat, exotic fruits (banana, mango, kiwi, etc.) and shelled fruits (especially peanuts). In general, children are more sensitive to allergens from animal sources, adults to allergens from plant sources.

How do I do ? Fruits and vegetables are introduced one by one, not before 4 months (always cooked, stewed or pureed) and one week after another, to ensure that there is no allergic reaction. Meat, egg and fish can be introduced from 6-8 months. But for the little ones " at risk ", the egg and the fish must be postponed until a year.
And for the kiwi, you have to wait until the baby is 18 months old.

Does breastfeeding help? Breastfeeding babies would protect them from allergies. The WHO recommends it until the 3rd or even 6th month. But mothers with a family history of allergies should consume fewer sensitizing foods (milk, eggs, etc.) in order to limit the passage of allergens into their milk.

Can it be treated? In general, the only solution is to ban problematic foods. Some food allergies can disappear when baby grows:those to egg and milk lessen, or even heal, generally between 3 and 5 years old.

Thanks to Dr Fabienne Rancé, pediatric allergist at the Children's Hospital of Toulouse University Hospital, and to ANSES (National Health Security Agency).