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10 questions about birth control

The IUD, when you haven't had a child, is it possible?

Yes of course. The IUD for nulliparous is quite possible. Only mini difficulty:the installation of an IUD in a childless woman will be more delicate. The cervix has never dilated and will be less accessible, especially if it is small and tightly closed. We also remember that the IUD, like the pill, does not protect against STDs. So, if we multiply the sexual relations, we complete each other with a condom!

Can Chéri "feel" the IUD during penetration?

No. Since the IUD is placed in the uterus. Only two extremely thin synthetic threads stick out. Their texture resembles slightly thick hair, they cannot be completely removed because they are used to check the correct place of the IUD and especially to remove it.

My patch has come off. If I put it back, will it still be effective?

Normally the patch (weekly) does not come off. It is designed for showering, bathing and going to the pool with it. If it has come off, we have 24 hours of security to reattach it without risk and the contraceptive efficacy persists for another 48 hours. But took off more than 48 hours, do not re-stick it. We consult.

Can I chain 2 packs of pills?

Yes. Holidays, sports competition, exam… if you want to shift your period, you can chain two pads. It is rather well tolerated and does not pose any particular medical problem. But it's better to talk to your gynecologist about it. And it should be punctual. Because you risk bleeding and pain...

Is taking a pill break good?

No. "Restarting the machine" is a false good idea. The pill brings comfort:regular, less painful, less abundant and shorter periods. And, contrary to popular belief spread on certain blogs, the pill does not make you infertile! If we had regular periods before, we will find them when you stop taking the pill, if they were painful and irregular, too...

Permanent contraception... what is it?

It is sterilization. By natural means, in particular, via a micro-implant which will create a plug in the fallopian tubes. A quick operation, but involving a really radical decision, which must be allowed to mature. Moreover, the law provides for a reflection period of at least 4 months between the request and the operation.

And contraception for men, is it coming soon?

No. Gender equality in contraception is not for tomorrow. Nor for the day after tomorrow. Satisfactorily limiting spermatogenesis (the tens of millions of spermatozoa produced permanently) without affecting the libido, medically we do not yet know how to do.

The morning after pill, when do I take it?

As soon as possible after unprotected or unprotected intercourse. The earlier it is taken, the more effective it is. But never 100%. The new generation of pill (ellaOne) blocks ovulation for up to 5 days, the lifespan of a spermatozoon. It is issued without a prescription and partly reimbursed by Social Security.

With a condom, which lubricant do I use?

We always opt for a water-based lubricating gel. Be careful not to use petroleum jelly or greasy cream at the same time as the condom:it could make the latex porous!

Uh... hasn't this condom expired?

The lifespan of a condom is quite long:about 5 years from the date of its manufacture (indicated on the packaging). The important thing is to keep it in the correct conditions (=away from a heat source), and not permanently in your pocket.