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Aromatherapy, my health asset

Health:relieve pain with aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is increasingly popular as its virtues are numerous. In aromatherapy, essential oils are able to alleviate many health problems, such as pain. For the headaches that most people suffer from, peppermint does little wonders. It has analgesic and anesthetic properties. It is used externally. Just place two to four drops on the temples and the back of the neck. It is then necessary to proceed to a circular massage. Peppermint is also recommended before playing sports in case of lack of motivation. For menstruation-related pain, it is advisable to massage your stomach every day a week before their appearance with a mixture of essential oils of lavender, clary sage, rose and almond vegetable oil. Against toothache, turn to clove essential oil whose anti-inflammatory action is recognized.

Aromatherapy against stress

To fight against stress, nothing better than lavender essential oil in aromatherapy! Women are under stress on a daily basis and it is sometimes difficult to fight. Lavender is nicknamed "panacea" as its properties and virtues are numerous. It is recommended against anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, digestive disorders and bloating. It is undoubtedly the essential oil to have in your medicine cabinet. There are several possible uses. You can apply it externally, at the level of the forearms and the solar plexus, by taking five drops diluted in jojoba vegetable oil. You can also use them in a diffuser by diluting one to four drops of true lavender essential oil in a carrier oil. Excellent natural solutions to fight stress!

Aromatherapy against common diseases

It is possible to treat the little sores of winter with aromatherapy. For colds, you can place three to four drops of ravintsara essential oil on a handkerchief that you inhale several times during the day. If you suffer from a dry cough, it is recommended to use cypress essential oil. Against oily coughs, inule is recommended. You can fight the flu with a few drops of bay leaf. If your body is all sore, it is advisable to massage it with a mixture of ravintsara and arnica oil three times a day. Ravintsara is also recommended in case of fever. It should be mixed with essential oil of eucalyptus radiata. Then, massage the chest and back until the temperature drops. If the pain persists, it is strongly recommended to make an appointment with a doctor.