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Drinking coffee protects against memory loss according to a study

Every day, it is impossible to do without this drink that we love time:coffee! However, it does not have a very good reputation. According to people, excessive coffee consumption can be harmful to health, at least that is what we have always thought. A study published by Australian scientists reveals that people who drink coffee daily are less likely to develop cognitive disorders in getting older. Good news for Italians (and caffeine addicts).

Drinking coffee every day would reduce the risk of cognitive impairment

This study conducted by Edith-Cowan University lasted 126 months. The researchers then discovered that there was a link between coffee consumption and several important markers associated with Alzheimer's disease. The results published in the journal Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience , reveal that amyloid proteins accumulate more slowly in their brains. Therefore, in people who regularly consume coffee, the areas of the brain responsible for planning, self-control and attention seem less affected by the years. One of the authors of the study Samantha L. Gardener , explains "Coffee may be particularly beneficial for older adults who are at risk for cognitive decline but have no symptoms." It is a simple thing that people can change. We could develop recommendations that these people can follow in middle age and hope it will have a lasting effect." .

Against Alzheimer's, how many cups of coffee should you drink?

According to scientists, drink two cups a day might be a good idea. However, they point out that they have not established an exact figure, "If an average cup of coffee at home is 240 grams, increasing to two cups a day could potentially reduce the risk of cognitive decline after 18 months, and reduced the rate of amyloid accumulation in the brain by approximately 5% over the same period" , they explain.