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Health:drinking coffee would slow down aging

We had talked about it, coffee is good for the liver, it increases sports performance, it is the first source of antioxidants, and it reduces the risk of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Diabetes and helps to avoid the suicides. Wow, that's already a lot! But what we didn't know was that we had definitely found the fountain of youth (youhou!).

Anti-inflammatory properties

According to an American study published in Nature Medicine , consuming coffee makes us less prone to inflammation due to age. Indeed, researchers at Stanford University explain that caffeine reduces the risk of inflammation, responsible for cardiovascular disease. Professor David Furman explains in a press release that “more than 90% of non-communicable diseases are associated with chronic inflammation. More than 1,000 articles have shown that these phenomena contribute to many cancers […] and diseases”. Thus, immune cells exposed to caffeine show less inflammation than those not exposed. The researchers also discovered that caffeine helps protect the arteries because it limits their hardening and the risk of hypertension. Everything to make our heart live a little longer! "What we show is a relationship between caffeine consumption and longevity," says Mark Davis, one of the study's authors. As a reminder, caffeine is found in coffee but also tea, energy drinks and cocoa and is therefore consumed by a large part of the population.

However, coffee should be drunk in moderation, otherwise your heart rate will accelerate! Come on, it's time for a (coffee) break!