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Snacking would cause significant health risks

Snacking enthusiasts, this is for you:to avoid contracting diseases such as obesity or cardiovascular disease, it would be better to change your eating habits! A new survey shows, once again, the addiction of young and old to cakes, candies, sugary drinks and other chocolate bars. According to the study conducted by the student mutual Smerep in 2016, nibbling or "snacking" affects everyone today. The Americans certainly but also the Europeans including the French who love sweets and especially chocolate. And yes, 61% of French people admit to regularly falling for small sweets.

An alarming situation among young people

But the finding is even more alarming among high school and university students, 90% of whom admit to snacking, 29% declaring they do so out of boredom and 25% out of stress. Figures that worry health professionals! Indeed, snacking is not without consequences on our body. In small doses, nothing alarming but when you multiply the "snacks" outside meals, the recommended daily caloric intake is quickly exceeded. As a reminder, the recommended intakes are approximately 1800 kcal for a woman, 2200 kcal for a man, between 1800 and 2000 kcal for a teenager and 1400 kcal for a child. So by nibbling on a chocolate bar here and sipping a sugary drink there, the bill can quickly climb...

Obesity and cardiovascular disease

Result:the body continues to store fat, which causes the liver to swell. Ultimately, obesity can be one of the consequences of too much snacking. And if you are a fan of crisps, peanuts and other salty foods, beware of high blood pressure which could promote the development of cardiovascular disease. So to avoid cracking up on everything and anything during the day, we think of having a breakfast rich in carbohydrates to avoid the small peck in the middle of the morning. And if a little craving is felt at 4 p.m., opt for a fruit, a dairy product or a small snack made from dried fruit. Easy, right?