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Health:pasta lovers would eat less fat and less sugar

When we say pasta, we don't really mean healthy food. And yet, a recent study presented at the annual meeting of The Obesity Society, an American scientific organization devoted to the treatment of obesity, has turned conventional wisdom upside down. Posted on Pasta Tips , research shows that pasta lovers tend to eat healthier than non-pasta eaters. And scientists from Nutritional Strategies have confirmed the findings:pasta eaters consume less saturated fat and added sugars. That's good news!

"A solid foundation" for a good diet

And the positives don't stop there! The intake of nutrients such as iron and magnesium would be higher among aficionados of the Italian dish, and this is also the case for vitamins and minerals. “Pasta can be a solid foundation for a healthy diet, because it acts as the perfect delivery system for fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish says dietitian Diane Welland, who works at the National Pasta Association. This is not the first time that the benefits of pasta have been touted, as The Independent reminds :a 2016 study showed that the food helped to have a good BMI and reduce waist circumference.

Well, on the other hand, we avoid forcing the tomato basil sauce and the parmesan cheese… Bon appétit!