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Slimmer and fitter WITHOUT crash diet

Crash diets are not good for anything. Santé gives you three tips on how to get fit, radiant and slim without the need for a crash diet.

Are you also ashamed of your few extra pounds after the holidays? Many people start with a crash diet. Very little food to lose a few pounds. Do not! You may lose some pounds. However, these are kilos that are immediately put on again as soon as you start eating normally. Often even more pounds are added because you put your body in starvation mode or starvation mode by crashing. Because your body receives far too little energy, your body enters a state where it retains fat and prevents weight loss to protect you from starvation.

What CAN you DO? Here are three tips.

1. Stop embarrassing yourself

Shame is debilitating to your mindset. Shame lowers your energy and creates negativity. That's definitely not going to get you where you want to be. So start by accepting yourself. By finding yourself valuable as you are. Whether you are overweight or not. You don't have to have a killer body. Focus on the things you like about yourself. Also look at your character traits and name them in front of the mirror.

This does not mean that you do not want or need to change anything. After all, everyone wants a healthy and fit body. That's important too. Being healthy and having the energy to cope with this busy life and thereby be able to enjoy life more.
However, you will only achieve lasting change through self-acceptance and self-love. If you are happy with yourself, if you love yourself, it is easier to implement a healthy lifestyle in your life. Because the premise is different:I'm going to work out and eat healthy because… I don't think I look good OR I'm going to work out and eat healthy because I'm worth it.

Can you feel the difference? With the last option you will make the right choices much easier.

So get started with your mindset. Then you set a goal. For example, 'I want to lose 4 kilos and gain more muscles'. Think for yourself why you want this. And ask yourself that question several times. Then you come to the deepest motivation and that will help you to start AND to persevere.

2. Feed your body

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells that need the right nutrition to function optimally. So make sure you get enough carbohydrates, proteins and good fats. So eat varied. In addition, the following guidelines will help you on your way:

– No more than 4-5 eating moments per day
– Eat something raw with every meal (fruit/raw food)
– Make sure that half of your plate consists of vegetables during lunch and dinner
– Eat your meals at least twice a week within 8-12 hours (e.g. between 10 am and 6 pm)
– Do not eat animal products a few days a week
– Do not eat sugar
– Eat as few factory-processed products as possible
– Prefer not to drink alcohol
– Drink max. 4 cups of coffee per day (preferably black or with plant-based milk)
– Eat or drink less dairy (or vegetable)
– Eat raw, stir-fried or briefly cooked vegetables as much as possible
– Chew your food well and take the time to eat

By applying these guidelines you will quickly see results. Without counting calories or starving yourself.


There is a difference between exercise and training. And then there is also a difference between training and training.

Many women still think that an hour on the cross trainer or an hour of running at the same pace is effective because you burn 700 kcal in an hour. However, this is not effective at all. For women, training for more than an hour is not wise in any case. After 45 minutes, your cortisol level rises. That is the stress hormone and ensures that you retain (abdominal) fat. You will also break down muscles. While muscles provide a higher metabolism and higher fat burning.

Science agrees that short training at a high intensity is the most effective. Strength training, especially for women, is extremely important. High-intensity training and strength training ensure a better hormone balance, for a higher fat burning and ultimately for a strong, well-shaped body.

So make sure you train those muscles and raise the heart rate in intervals. This can also be done during a running session or on the cross trainer. Make sure you don't train at 1 pace, but make it an interval training. For example, sprinting for 20 seconds, 10 seconds at a normal pace, etc. Then 20/30 minutes are enough and the effect is many times greater.

Other workouts you can think of:a HIIT workout, strength exercises such as lunge, squat, push ups with or without weights or a combat workout such as Studio Punch &Kick. Start training today.