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Salmon:9 original and gourmet recipe ideas to prepare it

Summer is officially here and the desire to eat healthy foods strongly tickle us. We take advantage of it, because in winter, it's just the opposite that happens (don't tell us otherwise). And if you like fish , the following recipes will delight you. Indeed, even high temperatures take away our appetite a little, it is important to continue to eat well with all the inputs we need. And for that, marine protein and certainly the best option. Since you can eat it cold, in carpaccio , in salad or in bread .

Recipe:salmon in all its forms

So we elected salmon like our favorite. Indeed, we can decline it in abundance and eat it in all the sauces (no pun intended). Salmon has the advantage of having a lot of flavor and spicing up any dish. Cooked or raw , he delights us. It can also be marinated for an even more gourmet side. Again, depending on your taste. Sweet, salty soy sauce, teriyaki sauce or simply with lime like a ceviche. In short, salmon is all good and we prove it to you with these 9 recipes that are as beautiful as they are good.