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To eat healthy, it is imperative to vary your diet

Every day, we see more and more photos of colorful plates filled with fruits or vegetables with the hashtag #healthy. We discover many recipes to vary and eat healthy, but what we tend to forget is that it is imperative to vary the dishes and the ways of eating. Because by eating the same super healthy foods all the time, we could end up with deficiencies. For example, replacing meat with plant-based steaks is a responsible concept (and it's delicious!), however it is good to find out because some of these steaks do not cover all the essential needs of our body, especially with regard to amino acids. This is why it is recommended to accompany them with cereals or dried fruits. As for the avocado, the healthy food par excellence, it should not be abused either (no more than half an avocado per day) because it is very caloric. Just like coconut water which contains 46 calories per 100 ml swallowed. So watch out for abuse!

Adopt the right gestures

Eating well is not just having a nice plate full of vegetables and posting it on Instagram. It is also a whole know-how, especially in France. Beyond changing our eating habits, it is important to sit well at the table, to chew well (this avoids snacking between meals), to take time to eat and to make our meals moments of pleasure and no headache. With that, bon appetit!