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5 ideas to reduce children's sugar consumption

We can never say it enough:sugar is not good for your health. And yet, the daily diet is full of it, whether added (the worst of the worst!) or natural. And since we don't want our children to be addicted to it from an early age, here are 5 reflexes to adopt to limit their daily consumption, without it becoming an obsession...

Limit without forbidding

In life, things are never more attractive than when you know you are not allowed to eat them! This is valid for children, so we especially avoid banishing certain foods, at the risk of them becoming super attractive. And let it be said:it is not an occasional cookie, a few sweets or a glass of Coke (see point 2) that will ruin the health of the child. We therefore establish a healthy diet, to which are added sometimes and exceptionally, a few extras.

Avoid sugary drinks

Sugar is not limited to sweets and snacks:it is found in very large quantities in drinks. We obviously think of sodas (which also combine the bad point of being sparkling), but fruit juices and smoothies should not be consumed without limit either, because they contain a large amount of sugars. The best option is plain water, and if it is not necessarily super exciting, we think of infusing it with mint, raspberry or citrus fruits (lemon, orange…).

Get creative

It is clear that visually, between sweets and aperitif cakes or mashed broccoli, the choice is quickly made (and this is valid for adults!). We therefore strive to make meals visually pleasing, for example by mixing colors on the plate and varying the meals. Good point too:present several healthy options (for example a yogurt or a fresh cheese, almonds and hazelnuts to snack on rather than bread and chocolate, etc.), so as not to frustrate.

Thinking about meals

Snacks and beverages are only part of the total sugar intake. The other comes from the diet in general, which is full of hidden sugars. We therefore limit the consumption of prepared meals, but also very (too!) sweet desserts and breakfasts.

Change the meals of the whole family

If you're a fan of M&M's and Pringles, don't expect your child to have a big craving for soup and yogurt at dinner. Reducing sugar intake is a health issue that concerns everyone, and since children reproduce what they see, if we want them to eat healthy, we have to get started too. The advantage is that it makes everyone adopt good habits and it's easier for several people!

Come on, let's get started!