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Sleeping longer helps reduce sugar intake

Despite all the warnings we hear about sugar, it is still difficult to reduce our consumption since it is added to a lot (too many?) of industrially processed foods that we buy, such as sodas , prepared meals, juices from concentrate or tins… Well, obviously, limiting sweets is a start! Fortunately, according to British researchers from King's College (in London), there is a very simple solution:sleep more! Indeed, according to their study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , having longer nights would automatically lead to a reduction in sugar consumption. So, do you need to sleep better to eat healthier?

A healthier pace of life

To arrive at these results, the scientists selected 42 volunteers, all suffering from rather short nights (less than 7 hours). Half of the participants received advice from experts, such as reducing their caffeine consumption or even adapting their evening meal, with the aim of increasing their nights by about an hour and a half (i.e. a sleep cycle in more). And the results were not long in coming, since the following week, 86% of volunteers who received these recommendations for better sleep saw the length of their nights increase from 52 to 90 minutes. But, more surprisingly, this increase in sleep time also led to a reduction of 10 grams of free sugar intake (either the sugars added to our foods by the manufacturers, but also those which are naturally present such as in honey or fruit juices) notes Top Santé magazine.

Clearly, to eat better, you also need to sleep better... We're getting started now!