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Sugar promotes depression

We know that it is bad for the line but it is also bad for morale. The mechanism has been known for a long time. We eat a very sweet cake or we drink a Coke, and our blood sugar level suddenly increases, and also drops very quickly, causing stress, irritability, change of mood... (which makes us want to take sugar again ).

A new study this time shows that in general, the more sugar women consume, the more likely they are to be depressed. Finally women from the age of 54, that is to say postmenopausal, targets of this new study carried out by Columbia University and published in the journal The American Journal of Nutrition . The scientists followed 70,000 women whose age was between 54 and 79 years old. They again discovered a link between their diet and depression.

Indeed, the more they consumed sweet products with a high glycemic index (pastries, white bread, sodas, ready meals, etc.), the more they presented a risk of feeling gloomy. In short, a new good reason to try to reduce our intake of refined sugar (we preferred that of whole grains, fruits, etc.). For inspiration, read the story of Danièle Gerken, who cut all refined sugar from her diet for a year. But there's no need to get extreme either, because sugar can be good too.